A blog page to share my writing, ideas, seek new inspiration and connect with the world. https://about.me/rpgulrajani Twitter. @Author_man_ram and my website is http://rockape65.wix.com/rpg-books
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Thursday, 30 October 2014
Sampler of the book's contents
Plugging the new book - Phantasms in the Infirmary
Legally Lucky
Phobic Wars
Mental Dental (MBP)
They are all very different and very deserving, in my view but I am biased.
So why write?
Is it for the money? Well that to me is secondary.
I write to relax and unwind, leave the present and enter a creative realm of fiction.
I am very proud of what I have written and I appreciate it may not be Dickensian on Shakespearian but it is contemporary.
They are great stories underpinning my own unique style of writing.
I am used to writing research and reports professionally and this sometimes may be slightly unorthodox but its how I do it...
I hope you can give them a chance, read them, enjoy them. If you do (or don't), I ask you to please leave a review on my author page or on my website / blog...
This will help distribute my work so more people can enjoy them.
Thanks for your time and interest and don' forget to share the fruits of my thoughts.
I was chatting to Keiron, my App developing son, about ideas to promote Phantasms in the Infirmary.
He said, you can send a horror story onto one of the pages.
Keiron said ' read some first and see what the style is first'
Me being an inpatient so and so, just posted one of my stories onto the site. This would have been great but I added a quick promo message.
It got a few hits but then got taken off... Why? Because part of the conditions are No promotion......
Happy Halloween
Whatever and wherever you are celebrating, trick or treating, enjoy the hauntings and encounters of the horror kind.
Haunted hospital... Creepy Halloween reading
Halloween is tomorrow, have you got your copy of Phantasms in the infirmary?
What are you waiting for?
It's a collection of short stories involving an old haunted hospital.
It's going to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up with the adrenaline surge...
It's going to give you the willy's....
It is scary... Promise....
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Like the book on the history of glue, you cannot put this one down! Phantasms in the Infirmary
Two more days till Halloween
Phantasms in the infirmary
its on Amazon Kindle so it can be read to you...
Download it, read it or hear it, enjoy the tales and happy Halloween.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Warning, not for the faint hearted...
Phantasms in the infirmary...
This is a trip to the dark side.
A hellish hospital with haunting figures, ghostly forms and freaky forms galore.
Dare to visit?
Monday, 27 October 2014
30,000 places higher
It must be a good book....!
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Activity on Facebook = thousands
The activity on Facebook has been tremendous on my author page on Facebook.
The hits has been thousands... So more people are aware of Phantasms in the Infirmary.
See attached link
Reviews needed please
Reviews are equivalent to treccomendations a trader needs to get more trade.
if you have read Phantasms in the infirmary, please help by writing a review.
If you havent read it yet.... please download it, read it, review it but most of all, enjoy it..
Don't have nightmares
Climbing up to number one
its been on kindle for one day and its selling well....
Great to see it is already #46,729 on the kindle paid for list...
That is awesome
Can we get to number one???
It is a long way away but why not aim high?
Forge ahead, read, read, read
Saturday, 25 October 2014
A good book does not get overlooked
All this social media stuff is hard work too, I never thought this was going to need all the time it takes to ensure "a good book does not get overlooked"
People need to know that there are good authors out there and we therefore need to share posts, blogs, Facebook entries and tweets.
The navigation is a little smoother and the info is "Bang up to date"
Click on the following link,
Author site
Have a browse through and enjoy...
See you on the flip side.
Kindle link
Enjoy and please leave some feedback... We need reviews!!!
Published and available
Halloween Hospital Horror
The kindle edition of our new book: Phantasms in the Infirmary
Is being uploaded onto Kindle as we speak. This means that it will be available to download to the world in a few hours.
Paperback versions are available in a couple of weeks.
Now we need readers to read it, rate it and share your experience and thoughts on it.
I seriously need some of you to read it... Share On twitter, blog, Google ± Facebook etc... Please rt, share and make some noise. Most of all... Enjoy the frightening experience
Friday, 24 October 2014
Createspace submission
Phantasms in the Infirmary
Edits, graphics and all avoidable issues addressed.
The book completed, files including cover submitted. IBM obtained.
Pricing structure and distribution.. Checked
Files are now under review and this means that the book is soon to be published in both paperback edition and Kindle edition.
The process takes a little time but it should all be ready for reading just before Halloween.. Deadline achieved!
My co-author, Julie, My wife, has worked hard to accommodate the deadline.
My one worry, will it link directly to my existing author page?
Now we wait with a view to updates on this blog...
Thursday, 23 October 2014
£150,000,000 lottery
That is an obscene amount of money.
Would it change your life?
You bet it would...
Available on paperback or Kindle ebook on the Amazon websites.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Released on Halloween
Monday, 20 October 2014
Facebook page
Please click, like and share my author page on Facebook
The more people reading my novels means sharing the stories and inspiration for me to write more...
Dracula... on tv
Hammer house of horrors version of Dracula...
on TV now
The brilliant Christoper Lee....
1958 version... still wonderful to watch
Short stories ...
Phantasms in the infirmary
Short stories provide somebody with a condensed tale that offers the reader a temporary escape from reality and use their imagination with the prompt from the text.
Phantasms in the infirmary does exactly this but with a twist of horror and a dash of spectral ghoulishness.
The collected stories provide a range of eras, situations and victims as well as the ghostly apparitions perpetrating the spooky encounters.
It is soon going to be available for purchase on the Amazon websites. It will be in kindle format and paperback
The countdown starts soon, in time for Halloween....
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Phantasms in the Infirmary preview
The preview of the new book has been very constructive.
There have been very honest and positive feedback.
14 comments... 12 are ☀☀☀☀☀
& 2 are ☀☀☀☀.
Great help in who and how to target the book at.
Sources have come from Facebook, Twitter, blog, Google+ & LinkedIn.
I've acted on the feedback and the book is ready.
Just awaiting final tweaks and it should be available next week!!!
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Legally Lucky could be a good film
My publisher rang asking me to consider getting more promotional about my first novel.. Legally Lucky
They said it has the making of a great film.
I'd like to solicit some opinion on this.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.
Writing a screenplay is another thing for a novice like me and I'd need some guidance.
Any ideas?
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Phantasms in the infirmary...website update with the ad
Please see the link below and click on it...
I have just added the advert for the book in it...
rams website
I think it works but would appreciate some feedback
Thanks in anticipation, the countdown starts soon....
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
YouTube video link
It's uploaded on YouTube...
Please Have a look and share it
YouTube video link
Advert for the book
Phantasms in the infirmary
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Gibraltar Football... round 2
My home town of Gibraltar, newbies to uefa, played their second match, result was 7-0 to the republic of Ireland.
The results were to be expected, big learning curve for us but great last 25 minutes by the lads.
No shame to losing to the big boys
its a great opportunity to show the world we can compete and as the song goes... things can only get better.
Losing to Poland last time was made a little easier as they beat the world champions Germany 2:0 today....
Keep up the good work boys
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Twitter activities
Website updates
Author website
Website updates
New book cover is on
Have a look
There's also still time to comment on the pre-launch
Click on the following link
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Why I wrote Phobic Wars
Why do cockroaches disgust me so much as to write a book about them?
Click on the link attached and see for yourself....
Wouldn't that put you off?
I could hardly watch it because of shivers down my spine....
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Book sales, Phobic Wars is reduced
The kindle edition of Phobic Wars is available from Monday at a vastly reduced price.
I am going to rewrite this one soon and write a Spanish version.
Cockroaches are quite off putting but this book spins their reputation for a positive.Find out more about why las
Cucarachas son heroes...
Only available for a limited period
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Pre-Launch Research for Phantasms in the Infirmary
Your help is greatly appreciated.
As you are aware, I am just about to publish book 4.
Phantasms in the Infirmary.
It will soon be published so in the meantime as part of the pre-launch research, please complete the following few questions..See link
Your help would be appreciated.
Many thanks