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Thursday, 30 July 2015

Home of the killer dentists

Mental Dental at the publishing house
click on the link below to access the paperback edition from the publisher.
 Murderous and ingenious

Battling bad reviews

I've just been on a LinkedIn forum and felt I needed to share this with you to ensure you are not disheartened by a poor review.  As aspiring authors we cannot expect glowing reviews all the time.

Keep up your spirits... Keep Writing.

Books, TV, Movies, Music.............. so many to choose from, because there are so many opinions, likes, dislikes, etc...........  not everyone is going to enjoy your writing content or style. A potential reader may still be interested enough in the content to purchase and read your book regardless of poor reviews. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  You can also take heed to what your negative reviews are telling you. Perhaps your writing style and mannerism is being confused with poor editing. You might ask for some examples from the reviewers and discuss them with your editor. You can also use those negative comments in a positive manner and learn from them to improve your writing skills for your next great book...............

Take a look at the reviews posted for your favorite "big name" authors and you'll realize it's best to just ignore negative reviews you receive. No one receives all five star reviews and even the NYT best-seller list authors receive some horrible reviews mixed in with the accolades. 

Grave encounters

Just watching a movie on the Horror Channel. 
Grave encounters is about a paranormal film crew filming in an old asylum. 
Sceptical but now things are going wrong. 
Full of paranormal activities galore and has made me jump a few times... If I'm honest. 
Phantasms in the Infirmary.... 

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

10 hours left

Hola, My book, Phantasms in the Infirmary is available on kindle Countdown Deal for another 10 hours..
Overall rating 4:5 stars.
One poor review but I'm sure the reader was expecting blood and gore instead of a collection of stories based on real accounts.
If it's bloody mayhem you are after, then this is not the book for you.
If it's purist horror that entertains and fires up your imagination, then this is a great choice.
There's a Spanish saying,  "the book of taste contains no writing".
Taste and interpretation is as individual as free will... Plus one can't win them all.
Make a choice, grab a bargain and let me know your thoughts by leaving a few lines on your review.
Thanks folks

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Historias de terror

Queda menos hasta que mi libro de historias de terror estará en Amazon para que vosotros también puedan leer esta colección de cuentos en español.

Fantasmas en la Enfermería, es un libro que te dejará miedoso pero entusiasmado y ganas de leer otro cuento.

El siguiente libro está en construcción,  pero el número uno estará a su disposición en agosto...
Con paciencia amigos

Monday, 27 July 2015

Payday spend suggestion

End of the month at last,  money in the bank and bills to pay. You need to afford a little luxury.
So why not spend 0.99 on a kindle Countdown Deal?
Phantasms in the Infirmary is available at cut price for a few days only.
Commit to downloading a copy from Amazon.
Read, enjoy, luxuriate...

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Get your hands on summer reads

It's here and it's on special offer.
Don't miss out and don't worry about the lack of reviews on this page.
There are more on the UK site....

Kindle Countdown Deal is on now.

Download it now for a Crazy Price.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Kindle Countdown Deal

Phantasms in the Infirmary
Kindle Countdown Deal on
Starts July 26, 2015 at 8:00 AM. 60h At £0.99 67% discount
It then goes up on July 28, 2015 at 8:00 PM for 6th at £1.99 34% Off...
Ends July 31, 2015 at 8:00 AM Original list price £3.00.
A great opportunity to read a good book at a MASSIVE discount.

Also on
Kindle Countdown Deal.... 
July 27, 2015 July 31, 2015 Scheduled

Next steps to Fantasmas en la Enfermería

Next steps to translating my fourth book Phantasms in the Infirmary taken.
It's exciting to translate the book into Spanish.
Hope to have it available very soon....
Can't wait to make it available to more readers in Spain, South America, USA and everywhere...

La siguiente fase de hacer mi libro Fantasmas en la Enfermería esta hecha.
Estoy muy contento que mi libro se va hacer disponible en español. Va a estar listo muy pronto.
Espero de alcanzar a nuevos lectores especialmente en España, Sudamérica, los Estados Unidos y todo el mundo...

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Summer reads to suit your needs

Poetic title for this post...
Chilling, for some it's cooking in sun tan oil....

As the sun's rays gently warm up your skin,  you sink into a relaxing holiday book to accentuate the time off work and the rat race.

So what are you reading?

Want to read something new, different and even entertaining?
Let me introduce you to four mega-tastic novels...
They are four works of fiction out there on kindle and paperback.

Choose your poison.... What is your preference?

Legally Lucky is a light read but all consuming.  If you want an inspired and rich read. By rich, I also mean millionaires row...

Phobic Wars is ideal for a hot summer holiday.  Especially somewhere where the sight of a big bold bug is likely. You will realise quickly what the inspiration for this story is.

Mental Dental is a complex thriller for those who prefer a twisting tale with equally twisted plot lines...  More for the non swimmers and more for the sun worshipers with more time to savour the plot.

Phantasms in the Infirmary is a compilation of short stories,  more for the energetic readers amongst you.  Read,  activity,  read....

So there you are,  now it's all up to you.  Go on the Amazon website and find my author page,  order or download now to enhance the summer experience....

Wnjoy and share a photo of where you are reading it...

Monday, 20 July 2015

Libros de fantasmas en hospitales en español

Mi libro Fantasmas en la Enfermería esta casi listo.... Por favor me hace falta Ayuda con esta información..



Writing books - Challenging

Writing books is an ongoing hobby for me.
The story teller within me has loads to impart.
Ideas flow and I try to capture these thought bubbles into words.
The next step is to arrange the random plethora of words and ideas into a rational and flowing stream.
Once this is done, review the flow and see if it makes sense, is it engaging? Is the story working as well as it did in my head?
Next steps are getting the editing done, the cover work, the publishing and all the rest of the stuff that goes with it.
In-between all this, there are several interruptions to the work flow... the phone, work, life!!!

My aim is to one day write a book in a few days. Something contemporary in a genre that will lead to more sales but more importantly, more readers getting familiar with my work.
I think I have written 4 pieces that are contemporary and innovative. Four books that will challenge the readers imagination and novels that will stand out.

Having written and published 4 books (Legally Lucky, Mental Dental, Phobic Wars and Phantasms in the Infirmary .. all available on Amazon by the way..) the challenge remains marketing them.
As a self published author, the demands on my time are many.
I cannot seem to spare the time to go on book signings, tours and more time on social media promoting them!

Here is the link to them.... RPG Books
I hoped that the books would be discovered and enjoyed by many more people than what the results are.
Disappointing as it can be, its a labour of love and not a business.
I remain resolute that they will be seen, read, enjoyed and shared among many people.
One aspires to getting a book into film... and from these, there are possibilities that could one day become film... especially Mental Dental (Murder by Proxy). This was an exhilarating ride to write it and a blooming good read
In the meantime, I continue to writ more stories, have more ideas and even more interruptions!!!
Such is life eh!

Enjoy your day and if you need a break from the mundane or a challenge to your day, download a copy of one of my novels and read on.

When you do, please share your reviews and thanks in anticipation.

All the best

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Ayuda para un libro

Estoy trasladando mi libro de fantasmas en hospitales y necesito saber si hay interés en este tema.
Por favor ayuda con la preparación de el libro con unas simples preguntas en el siguiente link.


My mantra....

Do you pine for a book that will engage, entertain, help you drift off in a voyage of imagination and discovery?
Well here are four...
Legally Lucky, Phobic Wars and Mental Dental (Murder by Proxy) plus the new kid on the block...  Phantasms in the Infirmary.

With four great books written and available for all to enjoy and more in the pipeline... Writing fiction is coming along nicely.
The fourth book, Phantasms in the Infirmary, is published and out there - It's a popular choice in both paperback edition and Kindle version.

'Phantasms in the Infirmary' is a collection of ghostly short stories that take place in an old hospital. Sound familiar? For many of us who have worked in hospitals, we can relate to the unexplained shadows, noises, apparitions and spectral phenomena many have encountered. It is horror but not gore...

Download, read and enjoy is the mantra...

Monday, 13 July 2015

Fantasmas en la infermeria

Started working on the Spanish version of Phantasms in the Infirmary...  It's Good to be bilingual. 
Lots of work to do though... Con paciencia y fatiga.
BOO with a Spanish accent... 

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Money, money, money

Winning the lottery, millionaires row and never wanting anything can drive your hopes and dreams but money is not everything, is it?

Wealth should not define you as a person.
Having an obscene amount of cash at your disposal could make you happy but the true treasures are around us all the time. They are ones that are priceless...
Love, friendship, family, laughter and respect

My first book, Legally Lucky is a flight of fiction that directly addresses this.
Full of twists and turns that prove that the trappings of wealth are not all that they promise.

Download it and enjoy the fictional lessons to be learnt within it.

The mantra is...  Live Life in the present.

Legally Lucky

Monday, 6 July 2015

My first novel... Feel free to imagine

Legally Lucky
My first novel and still a different read.
It tackles lottery dreams and aspirations of money and hope.
A great read for modern living and current with 21st century needs
Anyone can win but can everyone handle it...?
It gave me the confidence to write more and feel free to imagine...

Have yourself a read,  available from Amazon and Authorhouse

Thursday, 2 July 2015

What makes evil tick?

What prompts evil?
Mental Dental (Murder by Proxy) supports a possibility.
The gains from evil can and are many. 
The following excerpt provides a theory....

Stephen Lambe’s sociopathic persona was clever. He knew he could get these two evil accomplices to do anything for him. Gemma Brian wanted him and Felix Collins wanted to be him, a perfect web to entrap these two followers who would do anything for him. The files made disturbing reading but it was a necessity that needed to be completed.

Of course I would say it is an interesting read but it is...

Read it for yourself.
Download it now
Establish the facts and help solve the horrific crimes.

Mental Dental (MBP) is a clever killer thriller