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Sunday, 11 December 2016

Hilarious belly laughs aplenty

3pm: The phone rang incessantly with the urgency of the pre-programmed ringtone. “Vivaldi’s Four Seasons”, a relaxing piece of music, spoilt by the lack of bass, tone and instrumentation the cheap speaker granted.
Frances finally picked the receiver up. ‘Hello?’ she enquired.
After a few seconds, her facial expression changed and a desperate ‘No you are kidding’ accompanied her sudden change in mood.
‘Can they do that at this stage?’ she asked the caller.

Pierce was anxiously gesticulating and mouthing out ‘who is it?’ and ‘what is wrong?’ but to no avail.

Frances was busy in conversation, trying her best to ignore him and concentrate on the conversation on the phone. She eventually gestured for him to give her some space and he left her to it, unable to imagine what was to follow… he obliged, knowing only too well it was not worth getting in-between Frances and her phone calls.

Prior to this call, all had been upbeat and chirpy in the Farley household. Their up and coming, eagerly awaited annual holiday was finally around the corner, they were due to leave in a matter of hours.
‘It’s been a long few months, we need a long and relaxing break and this year we are going away with my sister and her family’ Frances exclaimed.
‘The boys are getting older and when we next know it, they will be off to university, getting married and will want to go on holiday on their own’ she continued.
‘I want us to do something exciting and fun’.
Pierce nodded his head and smiled, agreeing with his wife’s suggestion of a fun holiday. Summer holiday are a period of rest and fun with a chance to recharge ones batteries and face life with rejuvenated vigour.

The annual vacation had been many months in preparation in order to get it right. With children to cater for and entertain, the two families needed everything to be just right especially as this was the first holiday in the 21st century.

However things start to go desperately wrong as the comedy tragedy develops.

Hilarity in the Hills... Is based on a true story.
It's not fiction as such but has been embellished a little for poetic licence.

It's a sweet and unassuming read with giggles and belly laughs to boot.

Please read it,  experience it and review it...

Available on Amazon Kindle and paperback format.
Go onto my author page and enjoy
Rams Author page

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