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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Windows of Grazalema

Completed the flowers, shadows and extra details.  This is a painting admired from a little distance in order to capture rustic Spains whitewashed villages with its plethora of geraniums breaking through the black rails adorning the windows...

I don't want to add anything else to it.  Pleased....

Monday, 29 April 2013

New painting... First draft

Attached is the first draft of my new painting..  Not finished yet...  Needs some work

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Branded image of quality

I was reading an article on author branding,  see the link below.
Interesting reading and it made me think.... 
As an author of three books,  with more in the pipeline,  what would I like to brand myself with? 
Obviously something to do with my books,  something to represent the type of stories?
If it were an image,  which one?
One of the themes from those stories such as a Cockroach (Phobic Wars)? Not a pleasant picture...
A psychotic dentist or lottery balls!!!!
Anyway aim is to be associated with literature that is unique,  current,  original and memorable.  That's the brand is want to aspire to.
Branding is an issue in itself,  any help or hints with this would be appreciated.
I look forward to seeing your thoughts on this.
Please leave your comments and suggestions on this page
Gracias,  merci,  thanks

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Lottery reality check. Life wins

Legally Lucky,  a story about life,  the game of chance and the possibility of it being a little disappointing if you won.

Lotteries are a tax on desperation,  however can they provide a semblance of fun too?

They are not to be taken too seriously and should not be the first thing you want to accomplish in life.  Life itself is the important thing,  bet on yourself and live life to its full potential.

I've done the calculation and your chances of winning the lottery are identical whether you play or not. (Fran Lebowitz)
Brian May is quoted that you are more likely to be hit by a passing asteroid than winning the lottery...

Remember, there is nothing wrong with playingthe llottery,  being in it to win it...  What is not right is to be obsessed with it and depressed by it.

Be lucky in life


Thursday, 25 April 2013

Book sales reality

Half the new titles received from a publisher don’t sell a single copy within a month of their arrival in the bookstore | The Passive Voice | Writers, Writing, Self-Publishing, Disruptive Innovation and the Universe

Petition to save the bees

Remember there are lessons to be learnt from not respecting mother nature's finely balanced plan.  Read Phobic Wars...  

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

4 star review

4 star review on Amazon. Com

 Link to new Amazon . Com reviews

Mental Dental (Murder by Proxy)
  if you hate going to the dentist......
By eve salkind - March 24, 2013

Amazon Verified Purchase

If,like me, you really hate going to the dentist--this mystery of serial killing dentists is just for you--the "accidental" deaths are so over the top that they are really funny. My only problem with the book is that these amazing dental deaths are never explained--I kept wondering how these murders were achieved. Story is over the top--but highly entertaining.

Thanks for the review Eve.  Glad to see you enjoyed it.  It was always meant to be over the top and entertaining


New shows needed....ITV's Broadchurch... brilliant drama, now try Mental Dental MBP

ITV's crime drama, Broadchurch, was great, a breath of fresh air and a positive step away from reality TV that mostly dominates our screens.

The show and story were good but could it have been formatted better?
Could it have been a trifle shorter?
Is there something else out there that could be adapted to an even better TV crime drama ?
A piece of writing that is floating in the ether and the fringes of awareness that needs to be discovered?

I am biased but I do feel that adapting Mental Dental (MBP) would get better reviews with a lot more interesting story full of sub-plots, twists and more victims than Broadchurch.

link to kindle book

If there are  any TV executives, producers, talent scouts etc. Please give Mental Dental (MBP) a glance, look at its originality, its adaptability and its possible production costs with great returns.

It addresses themes that are close to many, fear of dentists with a criminal twist to it that has never been seen on TV before and should be...

Read the book, absorb the story and look at its originality and marketability.

I await your Call...

Monday, 22 April 2013


Post operative,  in pain but survived
Great service and care from all the staff... And excellent care and attention from my Mrs,  including getting me a nice Mars bar when I was more awake.

Fingers crossed that this intervention will work (The operation not the Mars bar)

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Knees up... Soccered out

Too many years of playing soccer have had their toll on my knees.

After 4 previous arthroscopic trims and tidy ups,  2 to each knee,  I will be undergoing my 5th one tomorrow.

Am I nervous,  you betcha.
The prospects of loss of mobility and independence coupled with pain and swelling do make me anxious but god willing,  the pain will be worth it in the medium to long term.

I have now well and truly hung my boots up.
No more of this to go through again...

Like and addict, I have to share its now nearly 3 1/2 years since my last football match.  
I am now off the 90 minutes of pleasure and acting my age. 
Fingers crossed,  I will keep you posted on the blog... 

Like the mmain character in my book,  Legally Luck ,  I have suffered the injuries to my knees,  ruptured ligaments that now trouble me so much. 

Read the book on the ffollowing link 

Till then.... Be  lucky 


wise words to share....

Quote of the day

To dream of the person you  like to be, is to waste the person you are....

This was on a church wall somewhere.
Wise words, pass it on.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Wise words of inspiration from the strangest of sources

Chinese food at the Crystal Palace,  old Harlow. 
Great food,  service and of course,  company of family.

After the harty meal,  sweets and fortune cookies...

The words contained in them are great motivation for all.
Amazingly,  this edible,odd shaped piece of folded dough offered written advice within its knowledgeable void.

The wise words echoed with my hopes.... 'All people who have achieved great things have been great dreamers'

Amigos, I dream of great things,  money,  a long life,  a cure for cancer,  ever lasting happiness and peace in the world.!!

I am confident that as my learned biscuity advisor states, it encourages us all to pursue our dreams, hopes and to never give up.

Keep dreaming and achieve.

If you have any other food inspired thoughts,  please share them on this blog.

Have a good one

Friday, 19 April 2013

Book feedback is greatly appreciated

After having had a few thousand copies of my 3 books downloaded and read,  I still need some honest reviews of the novels.
There are still only a minimum amount of reviews...

I would value your opinion and review of the stories.
Were they enthralling, interesting and all consuming?
Could you not put the book down?
Were the characters believable?
Were the stories original?
Could you recommend them to others?

I understand that there are some flaws with editing but concentrate on the story...

Below is the link to my author page.
Please click on it and if you have read either Legally Lucky, Phobic Wars or Mental Dental (MBP),  please leave feedback about them.

Author page on Amazon link

This will only help me get better
Thanks for your support and cooperation with this.
Have a great weekend and be lucky


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Money can't buy you happiness

The Syndicate ,  series 2 on BBC ONE is a great thought provoking story.

Each week, the story for each of the winning bunch as shown above is relayed.  The good is balanced with the far from ideal circumstances that follow.  Each week it shows that money is not the be all and end all.
There are hilarious sub plots and some sad ones too.
The subject of lotteries has always interested me,  hence why I wrote Legally Lucky. This was my first novel and it's still available..  See link as below.
There are things about this series that can be associated with my novel.
It's had some great reviews,  it's easy to read and will make a great film one day.

Please read and enjoy. Available On
paperback or Kindle ebook

Be lucky

 Legally Lucky on Amazon

Bugs, roaches and mother nature

Do you like insects?
Does the thought of them make you shudder or loose your composure?
Cockroaches...  What is the point of them?

'Phobic Wars ' examines the relationship between insects, mother nature and what could be the results of eradication of these bugs.

It's fiction but what if.....?

It would be great to accumulate some views and insect Phobic stories...
Leave your thoughts and stories on this blog...  Share your fears.

Its available as a paperback or Kindle ebook..

The link to it is on my author page and if you want to read it,  here is that vital link :

Author page

Enjoy the read and don't let the bed bugs bite...

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Creating images

Why write books? 
Why not...  I also like to paint...  
Though again,  aspiring to get something recognisable on canvas. 
I was really touched when I completed this one.  This was one of my son ,  Sean,  with one of our dogs by a lake. 
He loved it and has It in his office now

Books to ignite your imagination

Books to read and enjoy

Link to my Author page 
Three books,  different to one another in every way.

Original and entertaining.
All written by me and all being enjoyed worldwide...
Don't miss out on this,  check out my author page and try one, two or all three of my works...

Friday, 12 April 2013

Holiday horror stories wanted for new book

I'm trying to finalise a project,  a new book which will be a collection of short stories based on holiday crises...

I would like to ask for your contribution to this book.

Have you got any horror, mystery,  thriller type tales that I can use and develop into a short story that can be added time this book?

Your short stories,  if chosen,  will be the basis for that story and will be acknowledged in the published version...

Please help me out with this and get the recognition for your contribution..

Thank you

Be lucky

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Atlantis theories and free reading material

The theories of the disappearance of the legendary city of Atlantis are many.

Plato claimed that 9,000 years previously to his writing,  Atlantis had been struck by earthquakes and floods and that in one day and night "the island of Atlantis was swallowed up by the sea and vanished".

The fictional Atlantis that is intermingled in Phobic Wars presents yet another theory.
One linked with bugs...  Cockroaches!

It's original fiction with an overt message that is significant to all.  Protect our world,  don't tamper with nature and respect all creatures...  We All Have A Purpose


Monday, 8 April 2013

zero payment for this story

Free copy of Phobic Wars Link

The offer has started, a free copy of this book on Amazon Kindle..
You could use the paperback version could be used to swat cockroaches with but would not advise swatting them with a kindle....

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Phobic Wars... Free Ebook offer for limited time

Kindle Phobic Wars

Open the link and get your free copy of Phobic wars.

It's on from tomorrow for a limited period only.
Please pass this on,  read it and post a review.

Reviews will allow the potential reader to decide on getting a copy or not.
I feel the current reviews on the Amazon. site do not do this book justice.

The story is different,  exciting and an original approach to tackling phobias.
It also has a very current moral to the story.

Check it out,  be brave and don't let the bugs get to you...

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Bugs for free... Phobic Wars on kindle free on 8th of April

Free Book on Kindle
Phobic Wars
A biting thriller full of Bugs with a potentially dangerous conclusion on the world as we know it...
Can tampering with mother nature result in anything but chaos?
Throw in Atlantis and what have you got?

And original thriller with a sting in its tail...

What's more,  it's free from 8th April for 5 days

Click on the link below...

phobic wars

Good night, don't let the killer bugs bite....

enjoy and be lucky

An author's life is a long obstacle course

As an avid tweeter,  I had a new follow so followed back and checked out the link.
@JohnAALogan has written a vast amount of stuff in the many years he has been active.
His account of the struggling writer tackling the myriad of obstacles confronted by us is very poignant and struck many a chord with me.

Unfortunately I have not got to these heady heights yet.  Maybe if I get my self in order about pursuing my writing more seriously...
To me,  writing is a hobby.
A release from the pressure of life and an avenue to remaining creative.
Sharing my work with people who may enjoy the benefits of my imagination and allow them some escapism is my goal.
Making money is all well and good but not necessarily my driving force.
Then again,  I would not reject the royalties...

You get out what you put in..
Like with my first novel,  Legally Lucky,  there are many similarities with persevering with your hopes, dreams and aspirations.

I find John's story fascinating and wanted to share the link.

Also to wish John continued success in his writing future.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Millionaire happiness
Lottery day again,  a chance to turn yourlife around ,  never want for anything and enjoy life...  Or is it a bad omen?

Legally Lucky,  a twist in the tale of financial fulfillment.

Try it,  read it and tell your friends all about Legally Lucky.

Available on paperback or Kindle

Be lucky

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Dental psychopaths... Don't open wide!!

Book sales are increasing,  especially for Mental Dental (MBP)
It's a particular favourite of mine.  Of course I'd say that but I think the unique story interwoven with great characters makes it a wonderful book.
Don't take my word for it though. The reviews are honest and favourable.
See my author page on Amazon .

Enjoy,  tell your friends and support new authors

Monday, 1 April 2013

Imagination through reading

Imagination is a wonderful gift,  increased through sharing stories.

Read,  imagine and live