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Thursday, 30 April 2015

Open Wide...

Mental Dental ( Murder by Proxy) Dr. Jessie Stacks, a competent and caring dentist, is devastated when a healthy patient dies in her surgery. Despite being exonerated she still has to endure the police enquiry and press frenzy which ensue following this sudden and unexpected death. She also experiences a crisis of confidence in her own dental skills and proficiency as a result of the traumatic episode. She sets out to discover if there have been any other similar unexpected deaths within the setting of a dental surgery and whether there are any common factors linking any such deaths, enlisting the invaluable help of her father, an eminent dental surgeon "with connections in high places". He manages to access sensitive and privileged information for her and as Jessie delves deeper into the circumstances of other similar deaths she begins to see a disturbing pattern emerge. But what possible motive could there be for these random deaths? Is it possible that such incredible depravity actually exists? Eventually Jessie finds the unwelcome answers to these questions.
I thought the plot ingenious and entertaining (although hopefully implausible!) and I'm sure it has done nothing to help foster good patient-dentist relationships!

Bite in

Tweet from beyond the grave...

Take a look at @Author_man_ram's Tweet:

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Predatory cockroach from dinosaur era found trapped in amber

Please see the attached link from the New Scientist.

A Predatory cockroach that hunted at night...  Yuck!!!

Was this out from my book Phobic Wars?


Get a copy of Phobic Wars on Amazon Kindle and paperback.
Check it out and see if this is related to my creatures from the past that threatened an apocalyptic end to life as we know it.
Environmentally responsible and creepy with a clever plot within a plot...

Monday, 27 April 2015

Black Sabbath inspired

There are obviously ideas and structure when writing a book.
The music one listens too also has an influence...

Black Sabbath songs were ringing in my head when writing this book. The original self titled album mainly.  Tony iommi guitar Coupled with Ozzy on vocals,  war pigs,  evil woman but also other chilling tunes such as NIB etc...  Inspiration

Phantasms in the Infirmary

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Reverse Tomb Raider

Unlike Tomb Raider II, Phobic Wars is a story of scientific innovation unleashed by scientists to help the world.
The environmental impact is unforseen and could prove apocalyptic. 
Mythology and apparitions from the world's past history intervene with a never before written about story that captures the imagination of the reader.

It's a story within a story.
Multiple plots and subplots that need the reader to keep abreast of what's happening. 
A complex and entertaining read guaranteed.

Available as an ebook or paperback book on Amazon

More information

Tuesday, 21 April 2015


"I don't dream at night, I dream all day. I dream for a living."

Steven Spielberg

Is money everything?

My book Legally Lucky,  is a fictional take on the question at the header of this blog post.
Is having money the key to success and happiness?
The recent interview with Gene Simmons, the legendary bassist from kiss seems to think so.
In the interview with the BBC as attached,  he reasons why..


Do you agree on the points name?
What are your thoughts on this?

I believe that money helps but it's should not be the only driving force to happiness...

Monday, 20 April 2015

Tales from beyond, hospital horror

Ghosts are all around us,  people have encountered real ghosts in their everyday lives. Hospitals can be guaranteed to bring people and spectral beings together. The structures are home to hundreds of ghosts for obvious reasons... They are built for the living but also the dying and those who have passed on. Add witchcraft and the occult into the mix and hey presto you have Phantasms in the Infirmary.

Phantasms in the Infirmary is a collection of hospital supernatural tales,  a compendium of scary stories based on true experiences and accounts.
Is there anything as spooky as an abandoned hospital at night. Having experienced these structures first hand,  hand on heart,  no.
We invite readers who have a further curiosity about ghosts to visit St Augastine hospital...

To Download your copy now click here... Scare me if you think you are brave enough

Criminal minds on overdrive

Dentists get away with murder...
This was a statement made today in a meeting I attended regarding health services.
What the individual meant was not what I heard.
I heard connotations of Mental Dental (Murder by Proxy)

My third book, was about crime undertaken by Dentists.  The most severe of the ten commandments being broken... Though shall not kill!

It's an original story of multiple murders that go relatively undetected.
Psychopathic and criminal minds on overdrive...

Here's the link killer thriller

Saturday, 18 April 2015

The black book of horror

Did I mention our book of horror? Phantasms
Phantasms in the Infirmary...
The black book with the ghostly nurse figure standing in front of the open doorway between the world of the living and the dead.

Crammed full of paranormal activities, ghoulish goings on and packed with Phantasms of all kinds.

Give it a spin,  read the book by clicking on the link above.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Insect heroes

Phobic Wars... A Book about cockroaches that will leave you thinking differently about these insects...

On Kindle and paperback format...

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Extract from Phobic Wars

The following is an extract from Phobic Wars...
My third book,  still one of my four favourites..  Lol.

Joey had now reached the lab and had put the soil samples on the most powerful electron microscope they had, ‘Nothing unusual in this soil sample just dry soil’ he thought to himself and over the countless years of research, he had seen enough soil samples to sink a ship with. He then thought of Frances words and asking that they examine them for a longer period, if there were ‘Medusa Dermaptera present they would reveal themselves’ With all of this happening in the background the BETT (Blattella Eradication Toxin Trial) was in full swing.

Read more by downloading Phobic Wars

Available on kindle and paperback

Web links

Website link

RPG Books
Link to the website

Mental Dental

Mental Dental...  Words associated with the killer thriller.


Sunday, 12 April 2015

Books Discovered

Christopher Colombus discovered the new world,  now he's discovered my books...
Isn't it time you did too?


Scary stuff from beyond the grave

Phantasms in the Infirmary....
It is a book of short stories of which are based on true stories.
I would recommend this book to anyone, especially those people who like ghost and horror stories.

These are stories shared by nurses and medics in meal or coffee breaks in the middle of the busy night shifts across hospitals around the world...  Give it a spin,  if you dare?

Amazon Link

Friday, 10 April 2015

Website reviews

My website has been around for a while but as an amateur,  I could do with some feedback... 
What works? 😉
What doesn't? 😢
Anything that needs revamping? 🐣

Your thoughts would be appreciated...

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

A passage from the book

An Exerpt from 'The key to the gates of hell'  taken from our book Phantasms in the Infirmary

8pm: the evening shift were handing over to the night shift who would take on the mantle for the next 12 hours. They would pass on the charge of the patients they’d looked after and rest before taking on their responsibility from them on the next morning, like a massive health related relay race however the metaphorical baton was a ward full of ill people. A capable and experienced lot, there would be every confidence that the handover the next morning at 8am would be equally as uneventful.

Want to know what happened next?
I'm sure you do..
Well Download a copy of Phantasms in the Infirmary and read it, live it and feel the exhilarating ghost stories for yourself.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Political quiz

Just took #votematch & matched with the Green Party. Who’s your match? #leadersdebate


New 5 star review

Please have a read... 
Another satisfied reader...
Thanks Martha for taking the time to review our work and glad to see you enjoyed it.
It's especially good considering your own experience.... Spooky

Link to Phantasms

Ebook v paperback

I read a recent article that suggests that Ebooks are not as popular as paperback format.
Is this the case for you?
Do you still prefer the paper version?
What are your thoughts on this differential medium?

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday

It's Easter Sunday and I am on call from last Monday through until Tuesday. 
Tuesday is going to be a relief.
Back to relative normality.
I am planning to complete some of my writing duties then.
There are a few stories I need to draft for Phantasms in the Infirmary Vol II.
There are also a few other projects in the midst so it would be great to address these too.
In between all this,  devote some time to my grandson Heath.
He is incredibly beautiful,  he's an angel.
In the meantime Happy Easter... 🐇🐣

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Mold, psychosis, ghosts and air quality

Apparently, it's known that toxic mold can trigger psychosis and they believe that it's making people see ghosts...
Here's a link to a report made available
Link to report
However,  there was certainly no mold in the wards where Phantasms in the Infirmary is based...
Phantasms on Amazon
Phantasms on createspace

283 billion to one chance

Legally Lucky
This story focuses on the chance of winning the lottery more than once.
Recently, a couple in the UK won £1000000 twice.
The chances of that are 283 billion to one,  yet it occurred.
Read Legally Lucky to see what happens in this story, examine the odds and balance the pros and cons...


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Zombie complexity in an apocalypse

Phobic Wars
An apocalypse is occurring in front of the eyes of the world...  Creatures worse than zombies.
The salvation of the world is an ironic twist...  Cockroaches.

Read it and enjoy the complexity of this tale.
Phobic Wars....