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Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Criminally Insane

Crime doesn't pay but if you are interested in something other than money, does it matter?
Check out Mental Dental and Obsession of the Damned where the reason for committing crime has ab ulterior motive.
Sadistic and perverse, the damage caused by the unholy trio of evil dentists is a 'must read'
You won't regret it and may even enjoy it enough to review it. Others have and left their appreciation for these books.
Murder most horrid but must be read in the right sequence.
Mental Dental (MBP) and follow up with Obsession of the Damned.
Persecution of innocence that is perfect for summer.

Don't worry, here's the link RPGBOOKS

Friday, 14 July 2017

Dentistry gone criminal and dangerous

If,like me, you really hate going to the dentist--this mystery of serial killing dentists is just for you--the "accidental" deaths are so over the top that they are really funny... A great read for modern times
Mental Dental
Paperback and Kindle version if you want to read it now

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Ancient tales intertwined in imagination

I have always had an interest in ancient mythology.. Román, Egyptian and Greek in the main. This inspired me to write Phobic Wars
I am just watching a great documentary on BBC 4 - Atlantis: the evidence - a time watch special. This has just reminded me why I wrote it and what inspired me. I have been lucky enough to visit both Egyptian and Cretian places of historical significance like the Nike and it's temples as well as Knosos in Crete. Minoan society may well have been linked to the Atlantian one, so probably the closest I would get to the ancient culture.
They were awsome and an inspiration to visit.
Furthermore, originating from Gibraltar, Atlantis has always fascinated me.
Was Atlantis destroyed as a punishment by the God's, sending a Tsunami 65 feet high, eruptions and quakes, cataclysmic disasters that would destroy the ancient societies of the world in the BC era?

Phobic Wars is an apocalypse inspired tale that takes the reader close to the edge of a repeat of the devastating effects of annoying the God's and messing with nature.
The story describes a fictional twist that may have happened...  Why not?

It is fiction and written to be enjoyed. Nuclear power in ancient times? Well it is fiction after all.
Plato wrote about some memorable stories that set the rise and fall of Atlantis. It captures our imagination, despite an absence of hard evidence.

Throw In some yucky bugs and mythical creatures with a resulting powerful read... Phobic Wars

I have written a few books and although it needs revision, I urge you to read this and share the legend.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

A story with guts...

Obsession of the Damned
A thriller with charisma
A book with a hook and a tireless heroine. Different to anything else you may have read.
A story of extremes and twists, worth a moment to find on Amazon.
Authored by yours truly... It's a must.

How to find it and what to do...
1 go on Amazon
2 find the book title... Obsession of the Damned
3 read and let your imagination take you in