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Friday, 14 April 2017

Interview with C. P. Ridgeworth

This is a rare interview with Gibraltarian author Clara P Ridgeworth. She consented because we both originate from the rock, however I don't know her true identity... We will hopefully find out a little more about why.

Q: Thanks Clara, tell us a little bit about you.
CP : well, I am from Gibraltar, I have written 6 books and Clara P Ridgeworth is obviously not my name, this is a pen name solely due to the contentious nature of Battle of the three miles.

Q: Why have you taken these steps?
CP: I am am based in the North East of England but all my family remain back home in Gibraltar.
I do not want any reprisals against them from our neighbours, Spain, because the book may cause a little tension in an otherwise volatile environment, exacerbated by BREXIT.

Q: can you give us a synopsis of the book, Battle for the three miles?
CP: It is simply every Gibraltarians nightmare, spanish splinter groups, an invasion by Spanish forces and the ensuing battle for that peninsula we call home. It is a work of fiction but a little too close to the truth, especially now...
It takes place on Gibraltar National Day, to make it more poignant and centred on heroism, unity, brotherhood and conviction.

Q:is it anti - Spanish?
CP: No, not at all, quite the converse..
It is a political action thriller that may be a little off type for a woman to write but it's there and I needed to write it.
In reality, the he people of the Campo de Gibraltar all live quite well and freely, they are not to blame or involved in the violence, they unite against the oppressors, show solidarity, brotherhood and friendship.
The cause stems from Madrid and fascist feelings erupting into this. Like I said before, it is not far from the truth as to what is happening at the moment back home.
I would hate to add cause to this but again if I can inspire brotherhood and friendship that can extinguish any thoughts of this, then my job is done.

Q:I've read it and it's a great story but it must be difficult to promote it if you don't want to be recognised?
CP: this is a nightmare, I rely on others to push the book out to others.
I am on twitter with the pseudonym but other social media marketing is more difficult.

Q: Are you writing anything else now?
CP: I am, however under my normal author name. It is a comedy so different to Battle for the three miles.

Thank you and food luck with the book.
For those interested in getting a copy of Battle for the three miles... Click here


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