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Monday, 30 May 2016

Political blurb... BREXIT

It's not usually my style to use my blog for politics but with Brexit looming, it's a chance to have a say on this.
I was walking through the town the other day and an exit supporter stopped me to lobby for exit.
He asked what my vote may be. I replied stay in the EU.
HIS return was quite irritating... 'Why be a sheep?'
'I beg your pardon' was my irritated reply to which he astutely picked up on having insulted my freedom of choice...
The conversation flowed for a little until I left him with my parting thoughts which disagrees with his.

Why stay?  Well as a Gibraltarian, the ramifications of leaving the EU are very bleak for Gibraltarian sovereignty and freedom.
I was brought up in the closed border days and we thrived, however the integration between communities is under threat now.
As my fellow author, CP Ridgeworth wrote  in her book Battle For The Three Miles,  the fiction in it may become reality.

What made things worse, they gave my grandson an exit balloon.... I needed a pen to add no.. To it

Brexit is bad for Britain and worse for Gibraltar...

Please vote wisely, don't let scaremongering and poorly informed politicians and public members cloud your judgement.

Stay in and say a very bold No to Brexit

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