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Thursday, 8 August 2013

BBC science club and Phobic Wars link

BBC science club and Phobic Wars
Scientists in Brazil have developed a new way of addressing the rise in dengue fever.
They treat the male mosquitoes and produce them at a rate of 100,000 per week,  releasing them so they can mate with the female mosquitoes.
This then ensures that the offspring,  the larvae do not live to maturity as the produced larvae that would die before they passed on disease.
Great science but what about the balance of nature?

Phobic Wars
My book hypothesised this scenario but instead of mosquitoes it involved Cockroaches.
The link between real science and my book based on fiction are uncanny.
Is there a real message not to interfere with nature in this novel ?
I urge you to read it and make your own mind up on this... And it's inexpensive
Here is the link

Phobic Wars

Enjoy your reading....

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