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Monday, 28 August 2017

Social experiment

A Man-bag is a commonly used item, one could call it 'the norm' in continental Europe.

They are taken everywhere by any male in all walks of life.
However, the UK is slow in catching up with its nearest neighbours.

The younger UK men are slowly picking up on the advantages of a man bag but many still opt for bulging, masculine pockets.

Well this is the social research I'm conducting at the moment.
True, there is a hidden agenda, a new bag and look in development... However, it is still interesting.

My survey is still open and the results to date are enlightening with a glimpse of what drives men to use or not use a man bag.

Here is a link to my survey

The attitude towards men carrying bags has evolved, and now most men you see on the street will be sporting some sort of holdall or other. From the humble career bag to the designer options with the 'Big names' on them..

True, not all are interested in being seen as stylish men, however considering the plethora of kit we carry, it may be a simple option.
Take my personal circumstances: I carry two cell phones, a wallet, house, car and office keys, at least one pen, loose change for parking, tissues etc. As I get older, maybe add in my prescription glasses and even inhaler, medication... The list gets bigger.
Imagine carting all of this paraphernalia in a couple of pockets? Cumbersome and impractical...
It's not practical, it is unsightly, insecure and unsafe.

So isn't it about time we just called it a "bag"?  
Well, no, I don't agree.

A man-bag, denotes the absence of makeup, sanatary products, perfume etc.. If this sounds sexist, we'll it's a subjective statement!

When we have a specific look and functionality that we need, then we can truly have a Man-bag!

Watch this space for developments but also, please let me know, anonymously, what you think by competition of the attached survey.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Book your appointment

Thrill seekers... Book your appointment with one of my books.
If it's choice you are after, there are a few already penned and available to select.
From Legally Lucky, the first novel inspired by hope, dreams and aspirations of money to the second instalment of the psychological Thriller Obsession of The Damned, part of the continuing Mental Dental (MBP) series.
In between them, there are Phobic Wars, Phantasms in the Infirmary Vol I and Vol II plus a little more on The Ultimate Phantasms in the Infirmary, a veritable horror fest of hospital hauntings. There's even a Spanish version, which is on Kindle Countdown Deal in a day's time.
Then there's a comedy, Hilarity in the Hills...
As my catalogue increases, I think it caters for different moods, genres and taste in contemporary fiction.
The writing style is mine, so I hope you can consider them and enjoy them?
All I ask for is that you write an honest review of what you think of them.
Why? Well, we are all learning and this helps to target my future exploits. It also means more people get to know my books and makes them more readable and accessible to others.

Enjoy what's left of the summer and chill with one of the RPG Books.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Libros con cuentos embrujados

 Libro en español

Deal for a limited period on the site... Fantasmas en el Hospital

Spanish version so....
Un libro que viene muy bien presentado y garantiza escalofríos para usted que Le gusta historias de terror...
Está a sólo 0.99 desde el 25 de Agosto a el 30.

Espero que lo disfrutes y déjelo de saber a sus amistades y amigos.

Interesados? Link

Friday, 18 August 2017

Survey on men's fashion

Hi all
Please click on the link below and complete a short survey on men's fashion.
Specifically, man-bags
It's an observation that will help design a future product.
Thanks for the support
The link again is Man-bag

Four days on and some really interesting information and ever so useful in developing the future...

If you haven't done it yet, please complete the short survey

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Check out this thrilling item

Take a look at @Hospitalghosty's Tweet:

OMG... Forgot to say

The Ultimate Phantasms in the Infirmary is available on kindle Countdown Deal for only £/$0.99
It's limited until 22nd of August and will keep you awake and spooked for a while.
Intrigued, download it by clicking.. Here

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Just Chilling

I've been quite inactive on the blog front as I have been away on holiday... Tuscany to be precise. Also in Zurich..
Away with some of the family, in the middle of the hills, swimming pool, wine and sunshine.
However it's all done and back to the grind and the daily routine.
It's back to normal but with some fond memories of Italy and Switzerland and the awsome Alps