
Rams Pages

Wednesday 8 May 2024

la Rana Peluda

Yes it seems a bit left field to write about a Hairy Frog but it's a project I've been meaning to do for many years.
I have tons of incarnations of Melvin but none had that magical finish to grasp my total devotion to it. 
The one of my sons told me to try AI. 

Well at nearly 60, I wasn't sure this was for me, I have artistic skills and the drafts were getting there but I thought ' in for a penny' so used AI. 

The AI art has helped transform the story from a good story to a great story. The feedback supports the statement. All 5 star reviews though little in number as yet but it's early days.
The main character, Melvin I believe is adorable and based on my drafted drawings. The story, the first of many, I hope, with at least 2 more nearly finished. 
I have to give the inaugural Melvin The Hairy Frog Tale some time to settle and find it's audience. 
Already there are readers from Ireland, United States of America, Poland, Gibraltar, Canada, Austria and The United Kingdom of course. 
We need worldwide uptake and readership and this, I hope, can be helped along by posting reviews and shares on socials. 

I the meantime, here's the clip from YouTube that is creating some noise.

Please share, let others know that Melvin The Hairy Frog is available on Amazon. 
More importantly, enjoy the story. 

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