
Rams Pages

Saturday 2 February 2019

Crashed out... In pain

It's been a busy few days and the unclement weather has kept the forays to the outside world to a minimum...
It's harder to walk in the cold... A bold statement but true!
Pain in the back whilst walking makes me hunch a way and the add the cold, it's a bit different.

Talking of pain, I am trying to lay off the codeine and paracetamol based products.
No, my bowels are fine thank you very much 💩
I'm a little hacked off because my Liver Function Tests (LFT's) are higher... And I am a very occasional drinker so why!!!!
I know why, in the past 11 months, I have consumed a massive quantity of codydramol... 2 tablets and at least 2 doses per day in 330days or so = 1320 tablets... At least.
That is a shit load of codeine and paracetamol... Is it any wonder my liver is affected!

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