
Rams Pages

Saturday 11 August 2018

Resurrected blog

Hi all, sorry I have ignored and not updated my blog for nearly 6 months but I haven't been too well!
Back in March, I collapsed, had a Respiratory arrest, fits etc and was intubated and ventilated on intensive care.
The cause, encephalitis....
Basically my brain swelled up (that's a massive brain too...) and I nearly checked out from life.
Scary and very sad but I'm alive and well'ish...
My rehab is long and I am feeling strong but unfortunately, not there yet. However, I am a stubborn and strong willed so and so, I'll survive!

I've got my strength from my massively supportive loving family... Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
It's grown by one also... Eliza was born soon after I was discharged from hospital.
Strength and support from my many friends and colleagues too who supported and looked after not only me but the clan too... You know who you are and thanks.

I was unconscious for a while so missed the worst, acute bits, bit recovery / rehab is painful and slow...  Although I'm getting better, I have loads of residual issues left like poor concentration levels, pain and poor mobility... Frustrating and this is why I have taken this long to get back on track!
However, this is a big step for me... I've done the shorter, less deep social media things and now I'm being honest on my blog!

In the meantime, please support my blog and read my novels... RPG Books

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