
Rams Pages

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Good evening

Hi all
It's been a little hectic and life has been busy... So much so, I've been unable to write anything on this blog.
So what has been so busy with my world?
Paid work, working on a new respiratory pathway for acute and long term managing of COPD, using an NHS app and education plus allowing an alternative to option to admission to hospital, working with the Patient@home team, community services and more....
Added to that, my other services I manage still need input and then life!
The festive season was busy with family and friends.
Now, most of that is behind us... So hope to be on point with my book blogs.

So a quick reminder, there are links strewn around this blog with my Author page on Amazon to access.

My books are a range of fictional work that include hospital ghost stories, for obvious reasons, lottery dreams in a book and also a comedy and scifi story plus a couple of thrilling books based on psychopathic dentists and a heroine that saves the day.

Take a punt, have a look, download a copy of one and have a great evening

All the best

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