
Rams Pages

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Writing... A poem

Perceptions are what I mistook
When I wrote my first ever book
Reality hit, the work it took
To market my first ever book

It was a novel all would read
A story everyone would need
But now years, on I've taken heed
Marketing books is a difficult deed

Some books on I'm sure of one thing
Money and fame ain't everything
It's the joy my books can bring
So onto another writing fling

It's not easy being an author
Though I believed it ought-to
The words should flow like water
It doesn't pay for bricks and mortar

The day job needs to stay
Selling books currently doesn't pay
But wish the books well I pray
They'll get popular, maybe one day

I aspire for them getting read
Someone choosing my books instead
Read them wherever, on the train or in bed
Share them, enjoy and be happy you read.... RPG Books

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