
Rams Pages

Sunday 18 December 2016

Contemporary literature

Shakespeare they are not but these are modern classics in a readable form.
Ebooks-kindle and paperback versions of contemporary fiction.
Legally Lucky, Phobic Wars, Mental Dental (Murder by Proxy), Phantasms in the Infirmary Vol I and Vol II plus The Ultimate Phantasms in the Infirmary,  Fantasmas en el Hospital, Hilarity in the Hills and the latest book to choose from Obsession of The Damned.
They are unique pieces of modern literature, written to set the imagination on overdrive and disengage the reader from the stresses of modern life.  They are short, entertaining and ingenious.

There are several reasons to read them and none not to,  including price.

Give someone you love, including yourself, a novel to enjoy.

How,  well for onto your local Amazon website and let your fingers and mouse do the choosing.

Merry Christmas and allow your mind to explore what the words guide you to.

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