
Rams Pages

Monday 18 April 2016

Rams Ramblings

It's Monday again,  the weekend came and went in the blink of an eye.
Projects remained untouched and procrastination ensued.
My excuse, old age.
It's a challenge to keep up with the rat race.
My aims to devote time to quality of life is still strong.
I have a 5 year plan and this has replaced my previous plan,  which replaced the one prior to that with many a box un-ticked. Especially the 'become a millionaire' and find a cure for cancer!!!
However I have achieved many of the contents of my deep bucket list.
Writing and publishing a book,  now,  a few books, being one.
The others are to be a grandad amongst the more important ones.
I am looking forward to my middle son getting married on Saturday and spending quality time with all the clan,  but especially Heath and Castiel, my adorable grandson's.
Roll on the weekend and good luck Keiron and Aga.

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