
Rams Pages

Tuesday 9 February 2016

New Book - Hilarity in the Hills

Ladies and gents, I am glad to share with you that my new book will be out on Createspace and Kindle in the next couple of days.
It is called "Hilarity in the Hills" and it is a comedic recount of a hoiday we had a few years ago.
It is a light hearted tale that is based on an actual holiday that we as a family did experience some years ago.
The inspiration, need to recount and write this is simply because this probably may have been the most disastrous holiday our family ever had but on reflection, it turned out to be one of the most humorous and fun vacations ever.
It is a bit of “National Lampoons” meets a nightmare review on “Trip Advisor” as the holiday progresses and the experiences become more surreal and comical.
Well simply because no travel agency or website would advertise this on their brochures... 
To find out more, you will just have to read it and enjoy the capers and incidents that ensue.

So get downloading it and reading a copy, available extremely soon - You may learn something to help you avoid similar situations.

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