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Monday 7 December 2015

Ghostly Christmas short

Night shift on Christmas Eve was unlike any other in St Augastine's hospital.
Only the very few patients that could remain in the hospital's wards were kept in. 
The staff came in at 8pm as usual and had prepared for the onslaught of what the night had to bring... Ghosts and all.
The spirit of Christmas past was well and truly present.
For some reason, Christmas was always full of apparitions and ghoulish goings on aplenty.
This Christmas was no different.

Most of the staff were used to the many surplus attenders but for the newbies, this was one to savour.
In the main, the spirits were not malevolent but regardless, this was far from normal, despite how well adapted they were.

Emotions running high, missing their families and festivities, the nurses looked at their colleagues to celebrate the significance of Christmas.

All was well and then the midnight chest struck.
All of a sudden, the spectral shenanigans began.
The clocks stopped, noises began,  furniture dragged and cries from beyond the grave were heard as lights flickered and poltergeist activities were now in full swing.
The ghosts had arrived for their turn at Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you all, ghost, ghouls and spectres alike. Christmas was truly for everyone to celebrate.

More in the Phantasms in the Infirmary series... Apart from this that is...

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