
Rams Pages

Monday 19 October 2015

Potential best selling Novel

The Ultimate Phantasms in the Infirmary.
Our new book has the potential and pedigree to succeed.
Why?  Well evidence, only after 1day of being published, it had 181likes on Facebook and has sold a few copies of the paperback edition already.
The other factors include Halloween and maybe even Xmas gift considereration.
This book makes an ideal present for doctors, nurses and medics throughout the English speaking world.
It's not heavy and arduous reading and could be enjoyed by anyone with an interest in the occult or supernatural.
The short stories lend themselves to reading between work,  enough to immerse the reader into the world of imagination without totally separating them from the real world and tasks at hand.

It's a very enjoyable genre too.

The paperback version is available on the createspace website and Amazon websites.
There is a reasonably priced Kindle version too.

The link below will direct you to the paperback version.

Ultimate PITI

Enjoy and please don't have nightmares...!

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