
Rams Pages

Thursday 13 August 2015

New Books in the Horizon

I am currently working on a few projects.
Writing projects that is...
Phantasms in the Infirmary will be available en Espanol in a few weeks and I am hoping to have Phantasms in the Infirmary, Vol II finished soon.
The English version is also available in 
There is also a book I am writing which has been ongoing for 2 years nearly and I should be able to finish the first version of it soon. I am quite excited at that.
There is also another book which is half finished and needs a bit of work. This one is a comedy and I will feel accomplished when all of these are done.
Then there are the revisions on what I have published already not forgetting life too...!

Family weddings, birth of the "next G-generation" too.
Its busy in my head but I will get there.
In the meantime, please have a look at what is there already and enjoy one of the novels, or even all 4.
I am always up for suggestions and reviews so don't be shy.

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