
Rams Pages

Friday 21 August 2015

Birthday Book

Birthday Kindle Countdown Deal
In order to celebrate my 50th Birthday tomorrow... Yes I know I don't look old enough (I wish!!)
I am putting my first book, Legally Lucky, on a promo for a week.

It's my present to you.

It will be available for under a pound on the Amazon UK site..
Its 16o hours of availability for a decent book with a charming and intriguing story full of hopes, dreams and aspirations.
Twists of fate and friendship are the thread of this and I can guarantee you will enjoy it.
Here is the link... Birthday Book

When you have read it, please do me a favour and write a review?

Many thanks

1 August 23, 2015 at 8:00 AM (GMT)160h£0.9959%
End August 30, 2015 at 12:00 AM (GMT)Original list price £2.39

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