
Rams Pages

Saturday 2 May 2015

Released from the cloak of darkness

An Exerpt from Phantasms in the Infirmary
1: 45 am: It was just after the clocks had struck a quarter to the hour when the mundane night shift swiftly changed pace to become a night to remember.
It would become a shift that would enter the annals of folklore for the wrong reasons.
The first break shift returned to the wards, refreshed and ready to take on the night.
Just as the next set of eager staff were about to leave their wards, the strange and sinister occurrences began...  Want to know what happened next?
Then I'm afraid you are going to have to either get a copy on paperback or Kindle.

Phantasms in the Infirmary... A gutsy ghost story collection that has come from the hell itself...

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