
Rams Pages

Sunday 31 May 2015

Mental Dental

Dr Jessie Stack is trying to establish her innocence.  Accused of the murder of a patient in her care...  She uncovers multiple murders ...

Jessie exited the car and closed the garage door behind her. Her dad had opened the front door and entered the hall way, collecting the seemingly huge pile of post that lay on the floor and to a point, blocked the door from swinging through its rightful path. Among the post were two copies of the local papers, the free presses offerings for the fortnight. On the copy he was looking at were the headlines he wanted to so protect his daughter from but there it was in black and white ‘local dentist suspected of murder denies all’. Not content with this, they had printed Jessie clambering into her car whilst trying to shield her face with a briefcase she was holding, like a makeshift and ineffective shield

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