
Rams Pages

Tuesday 3 March 2015

#TerrorTuesday: Shadows, screams and scary stuff

Lurking in the shadows,  nightmares become reality...
The battles between good and evil happen all around us.
It's only when the doors between both worlds are open that the battle is drawn closer to us.
Hospitals are somewhere that these planes cross. The domain is both a departure point as well as a reception area for life. It’s ideal to interact with the other side.
Phantasms in the Infirmary is based on the unnerving supernatural tales told by generations of healthcare workers.  Stories of feelings, sensation and sights,  fluctuating temperatures as well as visions of death.
Phantasms in the Infirmary is hospital horror at its best...
These yarns occur in one hospital in a fictitious town.  It could be any hospital in any city or town anywhere in the world... 
Seek the thrill of ghostly hauntings and spectral screaming that are contained within....

Phantasms in the Infirmary

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