
Rams Pages

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Britain's most haunted building

A recent list of the top 5 most haunted places in Great Britain named this place in Essex as number one...
Borley Rectory is not a place for the faint hearted. Built in 1863 in Borley, Essex, UK, it’s said to be the most haunted house in England. The enormous amount of eye witness sightings suggest that even though many can be explained away as natural phenomina, a number still remain a mystery.
There have been sightings of a nun patrolling the so-called ‘Nun’s walk’ with the story that she fell in love with a monk but before their plan of running away together could happen, he was executed and the nun was bricked up in the cellars. I think that’s what they call ‘tough love’!
I'll have to give it a visit for inspiration for Phantasms in the Infirmary.. Vol II.

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