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Monday, 8 December 2014

Thrills galore - do not open wide


An innocent dentist is accused of murder.
Join her in a voyage of intrigue and discovery with a view to establishing her innocence.
Find out who is killing and more importantly Why!!!

Click on the above link to get your copy of Mental Dental (Murder by Proxy)
It is a clever "Killer Thriller"

Reviews on Amazon include the following from UK and USA sites:

5.0 out of 5 stars Realistic characters.
The characters seem so real, its almost like I know them! The writer's best and latest book is excellent. I was scared of dentists before I read this. Now I know they are human too, they make mistakes. Except for that scary dentist in Little Shop of Horrors of course!

3.0 out of 5 stars Don't "open wide", whatever you do!
Dr. Jessie Stacks, a competent and caring dentist, is devastated when a healthy patient dies in her surgery. Despite being exonerated she still has to endure the police enquiry and press frenzy which ensue following this sudden and unexpected death. She also experiences a crisis of confidence in her own dental skills and proficiency as a result of the traumatic episode. She sets out to discover if there have been any other similar unexpected deaths within the setting of a dental surgery and whether there are any common factors linking any such deaths, enlisting the invaluable help of her father, an eminent dental surgeon "with connections in high places". He manages to access sensitive and privileged information for her and as Jessie delves deeper into the circumstances of other similar deaths she begins to see a disturbing pattern emerge. But what possible motive could there be for these random deaths? Is it possible that such incredible depravity actually exists? Eventually Jessie finds the unwelcome answers to these questions.
I thought the plot ingenious and entertaining (although hopefully implausible!) and I'm sure it has done nothing to help foster good patient-dentist relationships! I enjoyed the first half of the book as it detailed the case histories of the poor unsuspecting victims but then, unfortunately, I found the latter half of the book rather boring, repetitive and even childish in places. Unlike the other reviewers I found the characters superficial and bland. Also I was rather surprised by the number of grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors (e.g. "pour" instead of "pore", "Handles" instead of "Handel's") and found them somewhat distracting. However, it was a free download and quite enjoyable overall.

Available as a Kindle book or on Paperback.

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