
Rams Pages

Thursday 11 September 2014

Writing books

The pleasure of getting a book published is exhilarating.
Seeing ones book in print is especially so.
The smell of the paper,  flicking through the pages and recognition of ones efforts is wonderful.
Seeing your name on the cover,  especially if you have had some input into its design or like with Legally Lucky,  modeled for the cover....

Our eldest son,  Paul,  a designer by trade,  told me to lay down on our kitchen floor after taking £35.00 (all I had)  out of my wallet,  throwing it on the floor then taking photos of me and the money to construct the end product.  Getting hold of handcuffs was no easy task...  Thanks to a local toy shop,  I bought some plastic ones...  They would do.

After a few pics,  he kicked the money around,  photographing the random settlement of the notes.

Next was the wizardry of photoshop skills he has and hey presto the cover was born...
As this was my first book,  I was as excited as a child in a candy store. 

The covers for Phobic Wars And Mental Dental (MBP) were designed by me.  They are cool but not as good.
I need to redesign these so if anyone has any ideas,  please contact me.

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