
Rams Pages

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Phobic Wars... Humanity v bugs

Everyone says, ‘you should write about what you know' and if there is something I know a lot about, it's the fear of cockroaches.

The panic and disgust I feel when meeting these creatures renders me quite helpless and my poor coping with this has been a stumbling block for me since childhood.

The trepidation and reactions to these insects has resulted in many an embarrassing memory and equally, a more determined effort not to encounter these creatures at all if possible.

My fear of cockroaches has led me to probably develop other phobic responses. I believe I have become claustrophobic as a response to my fear of these bugs. The logic to this is that the more likely environs for these creatures to live in and thrive in are the dark, confined spaces I now dislike so much.

Just thinking about the insects and what they look like causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end, my body to shudder in freight, disgust and absolute revulsion. This is an involuntary response and personally I would rather tackle a whole rugby team single handed with whatever the consequences of this action might be than face one solitary and relatively minute cockroach.

Phobic Wars is a fictitious story of 2 main characters who although have a very separate story,  crash together to help save the world as we know it... 

Bugs, Atlantis, science,  death...  They are all blended in this book.

Please check it out.  It's inexpensive and original.

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