
Rams Pages

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Comedy writing

I've published 3 books with some light hearted material blended in the otherwise seriousness of the stories.
Legally Lucky is a story of hope,  dreams and aspirations.  Some of it is less heavy to add balance to the tale.
Even Phobic Wars has light hearted,  bug related comedy..  This mainly entails the reactions to cockroaches.
Mental Dental (MBP) has lots of wild killing which is funny in its impossibility...
Not only am I currently writing a book of horror stories but also a comedic book based on a true story...  It's got potential....  I've told snippets of the story to colleagues,  family and friends.
They have been in fits of laughter!!  A great sign.
I am trying to write it as I'd tell it,  a conversation as such.

Tell me what you think of the style?

I can't divulge too much yet.... Watch this space,  with any luck,  it'll be ready for Christmas...  Only 18 Tuesdays till then.

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