
Rams Pages

Sunday 20 July 2014

Snippet.... Sneak preview from the new book "Phantasms in the Infirmary"

Once off the bedpan, the lady turned to her right hand side where the attentive young student nurse stood, bedpan in hand and said ‘Thanks dear’ and then turned to the other side of the bed and said ‘thank you too…’
Julie then addressed the patient and inquired ‘sorry, who were you just talking to?’
‘Well, you and your colleague who just helped me on and off the bedpan’ was the patient’s reply.
‘What colleague?’ Julie returned.
‘That tall man in a white uniform that was with you of course’…
‘There is no one else here with me’ she replied as she felt a cold shudder up her spine and neck.

She pulled the curtains open and looked for a man or any other member of staff that may have just left but there was no one there.

Want to read more? 
Sorry you have to wait! After all, this is just a little taster, a mouth watering sneak preview of my new book - "Phantasms in the Infirmary"
It is nearly finished so it will soon be published.

Its a collection of ghostly short stories and ghoulish encounters as experienced by many a healthcare professional.... Tell your friends and tune in for news of the publication date

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