
Rams Pages

Saturday 6 April 2013

An author's life is a long obstacle course

As an avid tweeter,  I had a new follow so followed back and checked out the link.
@JohnAALogan has written a vast amount of stuff in the many years he has been active.
His account of the struggling writer tackling the myriad of obstacles confronted by us is very poignant and struck many a chord with me.

Unfortunately I have not got to these heady heights yet.  Maybe if I get my self in order about pursuing my writing more seriously...
To me,  writing is a hobby.
A release from the pressure of life and an avenue to remaining creative.
Sharing my work with people who may enjoy the benefits of my imagination and allow them some escapism is my goal.
Making money is all well and good but not necessarily my driving force.
Then again,  I would not reject the royalties...

You get out what you put in..
Like with my first novel,  Legally Lucky,  there are many similarities with persevering with your hopes, dreams and aspirations.

I find John's story fascinating and wanted to share the link.

Also to wish John continued success in his writing future.

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