
Rams Pages

Friday 19 April 2013

Book feedback is greatly appreciated

After having had a few thousand copies of my 3 books downloaded and read,  I still need some honest reviews of the novels.
There are still only a minimum amount of reviews...

I would value your opinion and review of the stories.
Were they enthralling, interesting and all consuming?
Could you not put the book down?
Were the characters believable?
Were the stories original?
Could you recommend them to others?

I understand that there are some flaws with editing but concentrate on the story...

Below is the link to my author page.
Please click on it and if you have read either Legally Lucky, Phobic Wars or Mental Dental (MBP),  please leave feedback about them.

Author page on Amazon link

This will only help me get better
Thanks for your support and cooperation with this.
Have a great weekend and be lucky


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